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Golfers or Tennis Elbow?

Golfer taking a swing

Hey there, golfers and sports enthusiasts! Today we're going to talk about a common issue that affects many golfers: golfer's elbow. But what exactly is golfer's elbow and how does it differ from tennis elbow?

Let's start with the basics: golfers elbow (also known as medial epicondylitis) is a type of repetitive strain injury that affects the inner side of the elbow, where the tendons that attach to the forearm muscles connect to the bony bump on the inside of the elbow. It typically occurs due to overuse of the wrist and hand muscles, often caused by repetitive gripping and twisting motions, such as those used in golf, but it can also be caused by other activities that put stress on the same muscles, such as throwing or lifting heavy objects.

On the other hand, tennis elbow (also called lateral epicondylitis) affects the outer part of the elbow and the tendons that attach to the muscles that extend the wrist and fingers. Tennis elbow, as the name suggests, is commonly caused by repetitive motions used in tennis, but it can also be caused by other activities such as typing or painting.

So, what are some ways to relieve the pain and discomfort associated with golfer's elbow? Here are a few tips:

1. Rest and ice: One of the best things you can do for golfer's elbow is to give your elbow a break from the repetitive motions that caused the problem in the first place. Apply ice to the affected area for 15-20 minutes at a time, a few times a day to help reduce pain and inflammation.

2. Stretching and strengthening exercises: Certain exercises can help improve flexibility and strength in the forearm muscles, which can in turn reduce the strain on the tendons. Some good examples include wrist curls, reverse wrist curls, and wrist extensions.

3. Use proper equipment: Make sure that you're using the right clubs and equipment for your body size and swing. Gripping the club too tightly or using the wrong size club can put unnecessary strain on your muscles and tendons.

4. Seek professional help: If your golfer's elbow is severe or doesn't improve with rest and home remedies, it may be time to seek the help of a professional. Myofascial release, trigger point therapy, cupping and soft tissue release are all effective ways to treat golfers elbow, helping to reduce any inflammation, pain and bring back more strength and mobility.

Remember, prevention is always better than cure! Be sure to warm up properly before playing and take breaks to stretch during long rounds. With these tips in mind, you'll be back on the course in no time. Keep swinging, golfers!

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